K Investments participates in a world conference in India

On February 12-14, 2018, K Investments participated in the international conference “The World Coal Leaders Network”. It is one of the largest events for the coal industry, with hundreds of participants each year. The Grand Hyatt Goa Hotel in India was the meeting place.
With over three days of networking, the event brought together over 600 Indian and international experts in the coal industry.
Coaltrans Conferences organises international conferences on coal as well as training courses in all major coal producing, importing and trading regions. Great progress has been made in the Far East country and new opportunities for transportation infrastructure are emerging. During the event, regional conferences, exhibitions and field trips are organised, as well as a number of specialised training courses for coal management staff. The event offers market information and unrivalled opportunities for establishing contacts for the international coal industry.
Coaltrans Conferences is one of the best coal events focusing on coal supply in the world, which educates by facilitating business.